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Saturday, October 29, 2005

5,000 Question Survey

Do you like surveys and quizzes to find out a bit more about yourself? Mmmm...? Well, how about a 5,000 question personal survey, then?!? wOOt!

Here's a tiny selection...

1286. When was your first kiss and what was it like?

1287. Are you quiet and shy?

1288. Are you bitchy, cranky, whiny, miserable, depressed, needy, mean, flakey, shallow, obnoxious, inconsiderate, nervous, and/or stuck up?

1289. Do you come off any of these ways even if you aren't really like that?

1290. Are you loud and unfriendly?

1291. Can a positive attitude/good personality make up for someone being less than beautiful?

1292. Can being totally beautiful and hot make up for a negative attitude/bad personality?

1293. What are you seeking?

1294. Could you see yourself as a future nun/monk?

1295. Would you rather have a baby or get a pet?

1296. What mistake do you repeat over and over?

1297. What do you think of the restaurant Hooters?

1298. What are 5 traits that make someone ugly?

1299. Do you hate when people tell you to smile?

1300. Do you like the writing of Douglas Adams?

(Thanx to plod for the link)



On October 30, 2005 10:38 PM, Blogger Debbie said...

I posted a new one, partly as a result of you making me feel guilty... you funny old duck, you.

That survey looks utterly mad. Where on earth do you find these things???

Be well, my favourite quackster, and don't give up on me. I may be sporadic, but i'm still around.

Hope all is good with you.

Trollmamma xxxx


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