First time here? Before you go on -> Read Me <- please read this. Thanx!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

(*) Back... sorta...

Hiya. Been away for a while, huh? Ya, I haven't been well. I'll try to write again sometime soon. Thank you all so very much for your kind caring words - I deeply appreciate them.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'd like to thank you ALL for playing! I hope you enjoy these because I'll be typing them as I think of them! =) Have a great week!

1. Do you have a photo blog? If so, feel free to share the link with us!
2. How many pets do you own, and what are their names? If none, have you had a favorite pet in the past? My goldfishie, Thoon, is well into his 2nd year. As a kid we had 2 cats, mother and daughter, “Sam” and “Cindy” – just two moggies.
3. How many times a week does the carpet in your house get vacuumed? No carpet? How many times a MONTH do your floors get mopped? Carpet usually weekly [hopefully!], and mop the floor every other week!
4. Which room in your house do you spend the most time in? At the moment, my bedroom.
5. Have you read any good books lately? “Scindler’s Ark” by Thomas Kenelly – shattering stuff.
6. What is your biggest source of news? (Newspaper? Television? Radio? Other?) Local radio.

Week 182
I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Italy ::
  2. Pizza
  3. Honk ::
  4. Honky Tonk Women, Rolling Stones
  5. Shades ::
  6. Sunglasses on the beach
  7. Tool ::
  8. a green garden shovel
  9. Modern ::
  10. modernism ie. Kafka
  11. Tension ::
  12. telling the truth ie, tough love
  13. Conservative ::
  14. Australian society
  15. Weight ::
  16. over
  17. Insurance ::
  18. none
  19. Political ::
  20. what’s the point?

Yes – they are back - and at it again!!!

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On August 06, 2006 4:17 PM, Blogger jac said...

Thanks to eBay, I now have a Roomba! As god as my witness, I'll never vaccuum again!!!

On August 07, 2006 10:33 AM, Blogger Monica said...

Hey Mal, its been ages since I've been over to your blog. I think I had a messed up link or something. Anyway, good to see you back. HOpe your feeling better. Take care!


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Blog of Mallard the Malster - some of my Thoughts, Ideas, Comments, Observations, Editorials, Musings, Rantings, Ravings and Current Objective Critical Relative Subjectivism of Maljam the Loopey Mallard 

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