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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

(*) Technology... humpf!

Go to print some letters out this arvo - printer no work, does it? It's worked 100% fine no problems before... spent like 90 minutes going thru all the troubleshooting tips trying to get it to work - no banana. The only thing I can think of is that the actual printer port in the back of the puter is not working (for some reason) - the rest of it seems fine. Now when I ring tomorrow, the question is - do I take it back to the place whee I got it from and get it fixed for free under warranty but probably wait 2 or 3 months while they get around to it, or do I take it to the local computer shop and get it done for a fee for like a 24-36 hour turnaround? Hmmm...

It's only taken aboout 2 months, but I finally received my CD copy of XTC's 1979 album 'Drums and Wires' - now I've got the three XTC CD's I've always wanted... Drums and Wires, Black Sea and English Settlement. Lovely :) Near-perfect pop (right up my street) :)

Did I mention my lifejacket turned up the other day, the one I got thru eBay? Fits well. Now it's just waiting for the sailing season to warm up a bit more...

Here's some good advice I've discovered along the way...

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On August 31, 2005 11:06 PM, Blogger jac said...

Printers are so irritating! Have you tried a swift whack with a hammer?!


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