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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

(*) Thoon's Birthday!!!

It's amazing - Thoon IV turns ONE today! Happy Birthday Thoon fishie!!! It's all happening - a new tank - and even a new little blue bucket which his toy fishie sits on... have a happy day, Mr Fishie! (Yes yes, I know... it's pathetic, isn't it...?!? hahahaa!)

5 days - 4 job interviews. So far, I'll be 'on the books' to do a bit of casual contract cleaning once a month (to start with) at a large food producer, and 'm waiting to hear back from another at a woodworking place.

Plus I've started studying for my Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment - it should take about 3 or 4 months part-time. Looking good - it's covering the same ground as what I did with the Uni stuff, but this is the basic qualification requirement a workplace trainer needs to be employed - so, what the heck, I'll do this to keep me on track.

My first George Johnston book arrived today! "Australia at War" was first published in 1942, when he was a war correspondant - and I've got myself a first edition to boot! Whoo hoo! Three to go... tomorrow, Thursday and Friday - fingers' crossed...

They're at it again! Ack!

Sunday, July 03, 2005
Here's this week's fill in the blanks.....

1. I have the hardest time [breathing thru my nose].
2. As soon as I can afford it, I'm buying a [hat with sleeves].
3. I should probably eat more [brussel sprouts].
4. When [birthdays] come around, it always brings back wonderful memories.
5. I remember my favorite childhood toy; it was a [Chitty Chitty Bang Bang].
6. If I had to describe my computer desk in one word, it would have to be [tidy - today!].
7. I could only wish the person running this meme would ask more questions about Hydra, Greece (lol) ].
8. If I had to come up with one question to add to a future 'Monday Madness' it would be... [What is the last thing you do at night?].

Week 126
I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Statistics:: Over 46.963% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
  2. Grin:: if you've been naughty
  3. Saturn:: satan on his day off
  4. Fulfilled:: destiny
  5. Life plan:: Insurance
  6. Cult:: of Insanity
  7. Lily:: Pictures of Lily
  8. Stalemate:: playing chess with my dad
  9. Celebration:: having 30 minutes to set-up an empty hall for a church service every Subday morning.
  10. Underwear:: 14 new cotton pairs just this week!

Mal :o)


On July 05, 2005 1:09 PM, Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

1. I have the hardest time [getting up from the floor].
2. As soon as I can afford it, I'm buying a [a trip on a cruise ship].
3. I should probably eat more [veges].
4. When [christmas] come around, it always brings back wonderful memories.
5. I remember my favorite childhood toy; it was my barbie's].
6. If I had to describe my computer desk in one word, it would have to be [ugly].
7. I could only wish the person running this meme would ask more questions about (anything].
8. If I had to come up with one question to add to a future 'Monday Madness' it would be... [what do you like most about your job?

On July 05, 2005 9:47 PM, Blogger broomhilda said...

Happy Birthday Thoon!!!!

On July 06, 2005 12:01 AM, Blogger jac said...

Thoon! Hope you had a great day! (How could you not? You're a fish ...)
PS. On the off chance Thoon does not read this blog, please pass on this message ;)

On July 06, 2005 3:57 PM, Blogger ♥Caroline♥ said...

I forgot to say happy bday to thoon! sorry

On July 06, 2005 10:45 PM, Blogger Mallard said...

Thank you, ladies... I stuck my head under the water to pass your greetings onto him personally... but now he's cowering terrified in the corner... hmmmm...! [just kidding!]

Yes Caroline... I know what you mean when you say getting up from the floor... as each year passes, the ground seems further and further away! lol

Mal :o)


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