First time here? Before you go on -> Read Me <- please read this. Thanx!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

(*) Happy Birthday Blog Paige!

Well, I'm only a month late! Zinnia reminded me in her blog... it's been a year last June 28th since I started my adventure in blogging! Amazing! Really amazing - it's gone so quickly. A lot has happened in many ways, too...

(*) Potential dramas

There's a chance this site - and some others of mine - have been hacked into. I'm not sure, but someone spidered a whole lot of info about the sites and illegally posted them on a forum! Sheesh. I'll keep you posted.

Stop Press - emergency has been averted - this time! Farking hackers - thank gawd for good hosts!

I've had some absolutely horrid comments which I've deleted... I've contacted Blogger and my isp hosts to help fix the problem - people leaving obscene comments. I've had to adjust a few things.
A Quick Update... (Saturday)
I think I've found a fairly accurate picture of the mungrels who tried to mess things up in here for me - they failed, of course! Things are back to normal :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


“Ponderables” totally ripped from Broom Hilda @ Menopausal Bi-Polar Witch Babbling:

(Updates, courtesy of here)

Can you cry under water?

How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

If money doesn't grow in trees then why do banks have branches?

Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in"...but it's only a "penny for your thoughts?" Where's that extra penny going to?

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

What disease did cured ham actually have?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? !

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

If you drink Pepsi at work in the Coke factory, will they fire you? ....YES...

Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does he/she call?

Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out!" Or watch a white thing come out a chicken behind and think, "that ought to taste good."

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

When your photo is taken for your driver's license, why do they te!l you to smile? If you are stopped by the police and asked for you license, are you going to be smiling?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

If the professor on Gilligan's island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

What do you call male ballerinas?

Can blind people see their dreams? Do they dream?

If Wyle E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Is Disney World the only people trap operated by a mouse?

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?

1) They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

2) The Dark Ages was caused by the Y1K problem.

3) If your voting could really change things, Congress would make it illegal.

4) A fool and his money can throw one hell of a party.

5) When blondes have more fun do they know it?

6) Money isn't everything but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

7) What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

8) Am I ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

9) The statement below is true. The statement above is false.

10) I don't have a license to kill, but I do have a learners permit.

11) He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, dead.

12) I like pitbulls too. Let's exchange recipes.

13) Time is fun when you're having flies . . . Kermit

14) Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you.

15) Toilet stolen from Police Station. Cops have nothing to go on.

16) If you think there is good in everybody then you obviously haven't met everybody.

17) All power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat though.

18) If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're built upside down.

19) Here I am!!! What are your other two wishes?

20) Taxation WITH representation ain't much fun either.

21) A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

22) Confession is good for the soul but bad for your career.

23) Gargling is a good way to see if your throat leaks.

24) Gun Control: Use both hands.

25) Remember: First you pillage, then you burn.

26) To err is human. To forgive is against company policy.

27) If Ignorance Is Bliss, you must be Orgasmic.

28) Corduroy pillows are making headlines.

29) If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

30) Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge to market reproductive organs.

31) Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake.

32) Half The People In The World Are Below Average.

33) Failure Is Not An Option. It's bundled with your software.

34) Honk If You Love Peace and Quiet.

35) Strip Mining Prevents Forest Fires.

36) I'm pretty sure that 'bingo' is better than logic but I can't prove it.

37) Arkansas State Motto: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Laugh.

38) A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it uses up a thousand times more memory!

39) If a thing is worth doing wouldn't it have been done already?

40) If we weren't meant to eat animals why are they made of meat?

41) Ham and Eggs. Just a day's work for a chicken but a lifetime commitment for a pig.

42) If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

43) Remember that experience and guile will beat youth and enthusiasm every time.

44) When someone is acting 'for your own good', you won't like it. Furthermore, they will probably expect you to pay for it and, if they're 'protecting your morals', you'll have to pay double.

45) The Early bird may get the Worm but the Second mouse gets the Cheese!

46) Screw up? Of course we'll screw up. Do what you're best at, I always say.

47) Why be difficult ? When with a bit of effort you can be impossible?

48) Yes, I know it's bad for me, but nagging me about it might be bad for you!

49) I can deal with incompetents. I can deal with assholes. I cannot deal with incompetent assholes!

50) A synonym is a word you use in place of one you can't spell.

51) Vegetarian: Indian word for "lousy hunter."

52) What brought you here ? And does it have reverse?

53) If he/she were any more stupid, he'd/she'd have to be watered twice a week.

54) Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an Emergency on my part.

55) Bumper sticker on Noah's Ark: "Scattered showers my ass!"

56) He/she has a Mind Like a Steel Trap, everything that goes in gets crushed and mangled.

57) Never knock on Death's door; ring the doorbell and run (he hates that).

58) If you can't change your mind, are you sure you still have one?

59) Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

60) He must have gotten into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.

61) The wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead.

62) Have you considered suing your brains for non-support ?

63) Marriages are made in is thunder and lightning

64) Don't sweat the petty things or pet sweaty things.

65) A hard-on does NOT count as personal growth

66) Memo:
Effective Immediately:
All employees will be required to take a combination of Gingko and Viagra, so you can remember what the fuck you're doing!

67) I am the Imp of the Perverse - knowing this won't help you, either

68) Rule #1: You can't cure stupid !

69) If at first you don't succeed try try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.

70) I didn't say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame it on you

71) If something goes without saying, let it!

72) Any twelve people who can't get themselves out of jury duty are NOT my peers.

73) You're allowed 1 more Piss and 1 more Whine but you're over the limit on Moaning, Grumbling and Complaining.

74) Everyone has a right to be stupid, some just abuse the privilege

75) Welcome To Shit Creek - Sorry, We're Out of Paddles!

76) How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on.

77) I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

78) 100,000 sperm to choose from, and you were the fastest?

79) How is being at a singles bar different from going to the circus ? At the circus the clowns don't talk.

80) Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

81) Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

82) If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

83) Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either; just leave me the fuck alone.

84) It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbour’s newspaper that's the time to do it.

85) Don't be irreplaceable; if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

86) Give a man the fire and you'll keep him warm for one day. Set the man on fire -- and you'll keep him warm for the rest of his life.

87) No one is listening until you make a mistake.

88) Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

89) It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

90) It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

91) Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.

92) Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.

93) There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works.

94) Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your mouth is moving.

95) Never miss a good chance to shut up.

96) Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

97) Why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

98) Why do you have a hot-water heater when you don't need to heat hot water?

99) Why is an orange an orange and an apple not a red?

100) Why is a pear called a pear when there is only one?

101) What do they pack Styrofoam in?

102) Why do men have nipples?

103) If buttered toast always lands butter-side down, and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on the back of a cat?

104) No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

105) I've got a perfect body, but it's in the trunk and beginning to smell.

106) 8 out of 10 voices in my head say "Don't Shoot"!

107) Why do you wear a pair of panties and only one bra?

108) If Corn Oil comes from Corn, what does Baby Oil come from?

109) If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do you get Teflon to stick to a pan?

110) Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?

111) Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?

112) Remember my name, you'll be screaming it later.

113) Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

114) Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there?

115) Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?

116) Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

117) How does the guy who drives the snow plow get to work?

118) If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?

119) If a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered ?

If money doesn't grow on trees, why do banks have branches?

What disease did cured ham have in the first place?

Why do pizzas come in square boxes?


I don't care what anyone says - that's gotta hurt!!!

(From the World Diving Championships 2005)

(*) Fly then, damn it!

Oh my gawd, I'm feeling awful, basically - emotionally, physically... sheesh. I think it's just a stoopid ol' sugar-hangover! I ate too many chocolate biscuits last night sitting up late! D'oh! to me! You'd think I'd realise that sort of thing after 41 years, wouldn't you? hahahaa.

Three more books are coming my way sometime in the next week... one is a very rare Charmain Clift book of her first collection of essays 'Images in Aspic' (1965) that was only $15! Then I finally remembered to find a good copy of a recent book exploring the mythology of George Johnston & Charmain's Clift's marriage. And finally I found a copy of a great book I used to have - (but during my xenophobic christian phase I actually burnt my first copy - fark! What was I thinking?!?) - a great biography of Robert Lowell by Ian Hamilton. Wow - just when you think there's little else to find from your favourite authors and poet - there is! Ack! Yes yes, I know... retail therapy is a very level-one kinda thing to be doing, but for the first time in farking 20 years I've actually got a disposable income! It's not as though I'm totally pissing it away... now, where are those gold-plated undies I got from Paris the other day...? ;)
Did I tell you about my telescope, Ms Paige? Yes, I bought myself a nice telescope the other week... first time I've had one since I was about 12-ish. I had a huge spinnout looking at a nearly full moon last week late one arvo - I got in so tightly that I could actually observe it moving thru the sky! Gosh! Unfortunately, with lots of evening cloud cover - and a full moon making the night sky too 'light' to see too much, plus it's too bloody cold (it was -3c the other night!) - I haven't used it too much yet! But I'm looking forward to continue one of my childhood joys - stargazing... staring into infinity.

I won two books from the local radio station the other day - both perfect for Ix's reading level [ages 6 and 7] - that's why I rang to win! I'll give them to him on JD's birthday in a few days' time. JD needs braces for his teeth, apparently, and a bill of $6,000 will be covered when mum's villa finally sells eventually. He's excited I've put $1k in his bank a/c already - he's not to spend it all on a PS2! hahahaa. Took the boys to see "Herbie Fully Loaded" at the flicks on Sunday - a good time was had by all. We had a laff after being at the Motor Racing museum the other week - and then watching a VW Beetle on a racetrack!

I'd been planning to go for a bit of a drive and visit an old friend in Victoria this month, but I'm finding it hard to get motivated to get up and go... farking 'black dog' is barking loudly again recently. It's nothing personal. Life is so quiet it's all feeling quite stale... haven't even been able to concentrate much to do much music-playing or even sketching. It's just cyclical... who said men don't get their monthlies?!? It's a bit of a kickback delayed response after my birthday on Saturday. I only received one card and no phone calls. No, none. Not even from the boys - not a call or a card. To be honest, it was the worst birthday I've ever had in 41 years. M has done her job well. I was really pissed off on the day, tho by yesterday I was feeling fine about it (my brother had been sick and rang the next day!), and a few e-cards helped put a smile on my dial. I guess sometimes these subconscious emotions just catch up with you. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so 'blech' this arvo. Perhaps it was sleeping in until 2pm...?!? Do you think...?!? Fark! Forehead slap.

Change of tack. From the library I borrowed a great book on the art works of Aussie artist Sidney Nolan. Remember the Ned Kelly's with the funny black heads during the opening of the Sydney Olympics? That was a Nolan image! Anyway, he's the connection (for me) between George Johnston and Robert Lowell (my favs) - he knew both of them and painted works for both of their works! Pretty damn cool. Go Icarus.

Blogging's seemed to taken a slightly different tack lately... not as many people seem to be blogging like they used to - I guess people are 'getting over it' a bit. There seems (to me) to be a whole lot more commercially-focussed blogs than personal ones when I've had a look around lately, which, to me, isn't the whole point of a weblog! Anyway, what would I know?! I've been blogging for about a year now. I've been enjoying it, sharing contributions from all sorts of different people from all over the place. It's the same when I was chatting heaps about 3 years' ago - lots of people have come and gone, as life changes for them. That's fine - that's reality. It's funny when you go to read someone's blog that you've been journeying with for a while - and they're no longer there! Oh well... It's a bit like a mature-aged lady I used to be in regular chat and email contact with in upper Michigan a few years ago. She just suddenly disappeared, and no-one has heard from her since. The hard part is - I have no idea what happened. Did she get sick, or pass away, or... I don't know. That's a bit of a strange experience, after building up an online friendship over the period of a year and then - nothing! Oh well. One of the mysteries of being online. Miss your friendship Samme - and PinkVelvet/FieldFlower too!

One thing I've been experimenting with a bit online recently... I've been getting my email spam-filtered thru a site - to get rid of the farking spam. is free and easy to use, and I can still get all my mail thru my normal email addie, just with most of the spam and junk mail removed. Well, it works so-so... I'm not so sure if sometimes the mail from my blog doesn't get wiped also! D'oh! Like I said, it's just an experiment and nothing permanent. Another experiment recently was exploring a bit of my spiritual journey thru - but it's just a good idea that sits largely idle. That's cool. I don't mind. It's a journey. There's also a new Weebl and Bob in town and it's going to rock "the fat one" as todays youth say in the common vernatcular. If you too wish to be "hip" and "down" then you may view it here:
On This Day...
Died: Richard Burton 1984.
Useless Trivia: The square root of 13 is 3.606
My Soundtrack: "Matchbook" Ian Moss
Footwear: Ugh boots and thick sox
cool but sunny, moderate westerly winds - nice winter's day.
Mallard d'Quackers :o)
"Excuse me, which way is the stage?" (Audience member, lost at Altamont, 1969)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Unconscious Mutterings

Week 129
I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Believing:: seeing is
  2. Invasion:: of the 600-foot-tall Plastic Jesus
  3. Boys:: will be boys
  4. Island:: Girl
  5. Repeatedly:: repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly
  6. Normal:: a setting on the washing machine
  7. Hex:: screw nuts and bolts
  8. Tuxedo:: crispy wrinkle free imagery
  9. Virgin:: Mavis Bramston
  10. Cereal:: killer
A quick aside... somehow cyberspace lost my 'Mallard' woodcut pic for my profile (left), so I've had to replace it with a new one...


Saturday, July 23, 2005

(*) It's


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Monday Madness - on Tuesday!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

1. Mal asks... What is the last thing you do at night? Ummm... say goodnight to the goldfish & grab my teddybear Edward!
2. Wil asks... Where were you when the lights went out? Sitting on the toilet! Ack! lol
3. Andrea asks... What's on your refrigerator? A door.
4. Jenny asks... What is your ideal vacation spot? Mungo Brush, NSW, Australia
5. Kia asks... What's the sexiest language in the world? Sweedish? Really, I have NO idea!
6. Zeno asks... Have you ever made a wish on a shooting star and had that wish come true? No, damnit
7. Bunnykissd asks... We're more than halfway through the year now; how are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? Resolutions? What resolutions?!?


Monday, July 18, 2005

My Pet Mallard

My Pet Mallard
Pat him, walk him, feed him and hear him speak!

adopt your own virtual pet!

(Thanx to Caroline for the idea!)

Week 128

I say ... and you think ... ?
  • Tolerate:: al things in moderation
  • Release:: June 1985, and that bloody big Sanyo sign at Darlinghurst!
  • My soul:: a collection of images
  • Sax:: and violins, sax and violins - the TV is always full of sax and violins...
  • HP:: Howard Prosser
  • Worth::Woolworths
  • Rockstar:: Surprise at East Hills
  • Terrify:: 4x4 between your anjles and a mallet, aka "Misery"! Ack!
  • Knock me off my feet:: Kathy Bates - I saw 'Miserty' for the first time on DVD yesterday! Ack!
  • Taunt:: Your mother smells of elderberries!

  • Check out the Title-O-Matic - when you just can't think of something to name your post... (thanx to Six Impossible Things...)

    Sunday, July 17, 2005

    Internet Website Links

    Here's some vitally hot websites
    for you to check out!!!

    Photo Galleries

    Maljam's Message Board

    - Rev. Mallard d'Quackers

    We're Not Afraid - fark the terrorists

    Foot and Chair - another very silly blog

    Blog Rules
    - maybe...?

    Real E Fun - world's greatest blog - seriously!

    Silly News Stories - the strange & the true in today's news

    Poetry, Art & Lint - Mal's poetry blog

    Music Collection

    Vote in Mallard's Polls - rate this blog... and three other questions...

    My Pet Mallard - a cyber pet...?

    Random Page - something new everytime you visit!

    The Beatles - the greatest pop group - ever!

    Mal's Beatles Quiz - how much do you know about...?

    George Johnston & Charmian Clift - my fav Aussie writers

    Hydra, Greece - paradise on earth?

    Johnstons on Hydra, Greece - great Aussie authors in Lotus Land

    Thoon - my Goldfish

    Wyreema - Aussie steamer and sailing boats

    Carcoar Dam Sailing Club

    The Simpsons

    Diconary of Strange Definitions - Loopy Diconary

    Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

    Urban Dictionary - define your world (Thanx 3rd daughter for the link)

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail - the entire script

    Phoons - the still-posed photo site extrodinaire!!! (Thanx to pattycamwatchers for the link)

    Junk & Ponderables - aphorisms and strange sayings - too close to home...

    Title-o-Matic - for when you just can't think of what to name your next post...

    - the pie revolution has begun!

    2nd-Hand Books - book search

    Robert Lowell, Poet

    Online Bass Guitar Tuner and Bass Info

    Mallard's Nudist Video Volleyball Championships gallery...

    Law Enforcement Contact Page - report that disgustingly filthy website here!

    Landover Baptist - great satire

    Continuous Call Team - Rugby League (endearing) idiots

    Organ Donation - you can't take it with you

    Freeware software downloads online

    Kruger National Park - live webcam of an African waterhole - pretty cool (Thanx Ms Twat for the site)

    Flash Earth - view your town close-up from space! It takes a bit to load, but it's awesome!!!


    Saturday, July 16, 2005

    (*) Frustrated

    Yes - again! My ex has done her best to put another barrier between by brother and I - again! I'm not sure he bought most of it, but he's feeling as sick and tired of it all as I am, I'm sure of it. My ex sems to take sick delight in acting so nice and kind and polite - while she rips the shite out of me in front of my brother and his wife. Then they're left with the residue, and feel like shit when they see me next time, eh? Yeah, that's what happened the other day. Yes, I'm so frustrated. Frustrated. It never changs, you know? Just when I'm feeling OK, the rules keep changing. I'm soo glad we went to mediation to agree thru this stuff together, I am! (That's sarcastic, alrite?!).

    I just rang my brother - he 100% agrees that they were 'set up' by my ex the other day, and we are totally fine! yay! My ex would hate to know her little game didn't work - this time! lol

    Tuesday, July 12, 2005

    (*) Double take

    My final two George Johnston books arrived yesterday - 'Battle of the Seaways' (1941) & 'New Guinea Diary' (1944). It's a mixed feeling... I've been liking to have a copy of all of my favourite author's books for about the last 15-ish years - not an obession, just a mild 'that'd be nice' wish. Now I've got them all, I had a strange experience yesterday arvo checking out one of the local second-hand bookstores here in town... I didn't know what to look for!!! I guess now I'll keep a casual eye out for a 2nd-hand paperback copy of "Brave New World" by Huxley... I used to have a copy years' ago, but leant it to someone and never saw it again. Oh well... it happens. I mean, technically there are another five of Johnston's books I don't have, but they are the 1950's version of 'pulp fiction', what he called his 'pot-boilers' - written in a hurry just so as to sell quickly and put food on the family table! He wrote them under another name (Shane Martin), and they are as rare as hen's teeth nowadays. I mean, I found one copy of the first of these - for $100! Now, not even I'm willing to pay that much for pulp fiction! hahahaa. Nevertheless, now I finally have a copy of every one of his books he ever published - at last! Mini dance of joy... yes yes, I know... it's pathetic! hahahaa.

    I made a spontaneous purchase yesterday... for the last 18 months the local Angus & Robertson bookshop has had a copy of an amazing book, "Beatles Gear" by Andy Babiuk, yet with a $70+ price tag - ouch! Walking past I noticed it had 50% off, so I grabbed it! Taking it up to the counter, the clerk scanned it and said, "That'll be $5 please." I literally did a double take and exclaimed, "Whaaat...?!?" With my response, he said again, "did you get that from the table outside (where all the end-of-year specials were)?" Still in a state of shcok, having being told that a book that retails at $70+ was only $5 dollars, I foolishly said without even a thought... "Uh, no...". "Oh, OK... (rescann...) that'll be $32 thanks!" D'OH! to me!!! I was just in shock - stoopid mouth spoke before the brain kicked into gear... that's what happens when you're too farking honest! pmsl! The book is an in-depth exploration of all the instruments that The Beatles used during their career - an amazing book with great details and even better never-seen-before pics... ok ok, forgive an old 60's music nutter!

    Speaking of music, I've at least been TRYING to at least get reasonably up-to-date listening to something relatively more contemporary than the 1960's! I mean, I bought a CD the other day by "The Animals"!!! lol. I've tried to play my housemate's 3 "Blur" CD's over the past three days... and I just think they're crap! Ack! I must be getting old! I was never 'into' the whole Oasis/Blur thing of the 90's anyway, but I had a vague feeling Blur were the better of the pair. Boy - I was wrong! A lot different that what I'd expected. I gave them a good listening to as well, to give them a fair chance. No luck... they're back in her CD rack right now. I'm listening to U2 at the moment... almost contemporary... almost...!

    My brother and his missus dropped in quickly this arvo... finally met M's new baby and the boys, of course. They were wasted by the time they got here, so didn't stay - i didn't expect them to. That's cool. Good to see them tho. Walking outside... gees, it really IS cold out there today! brrr!

    Study invloves reading at the moment, and trying to scribble down notes and concepts to approach assigments at this stage. Gees, a nice day to stay indoors under a nice lamp.
    Random thought... horrid recent local news story at the Zig Zag Railway, someone was trying to take some photos of the vintage trains, fell off a cliff, and was run over by a train. Poor bastard. An absolute accident, but not good for the Zig Zag railway. It's a very popular local tourist landmark around here, the ol' Zig Zag. Been there quite a few times... in all sorts of weather - sunshine and snow!

    Sunday, July 10, 2005

    1. What book are you currently reading? 'Hitler's Holocaust' by Guido Knopp.
    2. Have you ever experienced the loss of a pet? How did you deal with it? Would you get a new pet, and why? We had two cats as kids (mother and daughter), and both eventually died as a result of old age. I was very upset at first, but trealised that an old pet who was sick wasn't the best for things.
    3. Is anyone in your family in the armed services? Nope.
    4. If you have or have had a girlfriend/boyfriend, did you tell your parents about her/him without them prying for the information? No, but they were dying to ask anyway!
    5. What was your favorite childhood pet and tell me a few things about it. I had two cats as a kid, mother and daughter. I got so used to having them around for so many yeays, it was a sad loss when they fibnally grew too old and died.
    6. Have you ever been in love? Absolutely. Don't know if I'd be lucky or blessed enough to have it happen again tho.
    7. What's your favorite activity? Reading - or sleeping!
    Mal (Mallard d'Quackers) :o)
    "Excuse me, which way is the stage?" (Audience member, lost at Altamont, 1969)

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    We're Not Afraid

    We're Not Afraid
    Show the world that we're not afraid of what happened in London, and that the world is a better place without fear.

    Thanx to Third Daughter for the link!

    Sunday, July 10, 2005

    (*) Water flowing under a distant bridge

    Here's me getting stuck behind the wheel of a V8 Super Car! JD took this today. Can you see the way the eczema is affecting my neck? Not good. Plus there's some strange painless swelling just below the ear there... hmmm... I'm falling apart at last!

    I had a good online chat on IM - and even a 10-minute phone call - with Dee last night. She's a married woman a few years' older than I am who lives in South Australia. We used to meet and have fun enjoying each others' company in a MSN chatroom a few years' ago, along with about 20+ other people from all over the world. Unfortunately, at the time Dee and I had a major falling out. Since then we've exchanged the occasional email, and last night we had a good catch-up time, just like nothing had ever happened. That was really positive for me - I hate feeling as if someone's holding something against me... Me, paranoid...? No way... everybody hates me! hahahaa!

    Spent a few hours with the boys today at the Motor Racing Museum - a good time was had by all. I didn't get much sleep last night, and when they rang at 9.30 this morning, I'd only been asleep for about 3 hours! Major D'OH! Needless to say, I had a nap this arvo, but now I've got a splitting headache at 10.30 at night - silly old fool that I am sometimes.

    I finally remembered to hook up the small Roland drum machine next to my bass and little amp late this arvo... it's been sitting there in the music-gear milk-crate for years - I'd practically forgotten I even had it. So now I can listen to a simple drum machine chugging away in my earphones and practise chugging along with me bass! Ahhh... it's only taken 20 years! pmsl!

    Don't forget to check out the blog rules... I think...?!?

    Week 127

    I say ... and you think ... ?

    1. Do-it-yourself:: bruised thumbs and egos
    2. Pickpocket:: nasty piece of work
    3. Ballet:: Sunday arvo's ABC
    4. Resumé:: Who the hell am I?
    5. Phenom:: Cambodia
    6. Love/Hate:: Love Brussel Sprouts & hate caramel
    7. Unusual:: It's Not
    8. Intense:: concentration clipping your toenails
    9. Interruption:: Coitus
    10. Not enough:: see above - lol

    My Soundtrack: "Help!" The Beatles
    Footwear: bare butt nekkid! Me head's warm - must be this norty headache... where are those panadol...?
    Weather: cold, windy, wet - welcome to mid-winter - and no, it didn't snow last night, but felt like it did somewhere...
    Mal (Mallard d'Quackers) :o)
    "Excuse me, which way is the stage?" (Audience member, lost at Altamont, 1969)

    Saturday, July 09, 2005

    (*) Every speck of dust

    My most sincere thoughts go out to those people and families adversely affected by the devastating ideological idiocy that's taken place in Central London. What else can I say? No one I've been in contact with via email/chat etc over the years has been immediately affected, thankfully.

    Awww... the boys are sick-as with colds and flu this weekend, so we won't be catching-up today, at least. Maybe tomorrow. However, if they're feeling sick... they don't need to go out romping about in the freezing winter air when they feel blech! Apparently, Ix was coughing so much yesterday - it made him throw-up - poor bloke! :(

    Speaking of freezing... it may snow here tomorrow... ack! Time to plonk on another flannie! lol. Good weather to be stuck inside 'studying' - reading, going crazy with a highlighter, scribbling notes, drafting assignments - all the while sitting on the side of my bed. Not bad, not bad! At least the cricket is on the box again tonite... get the blankies out and snuggle up on the sofa... too bleedin' cold to go out to watch it at the RSL Club tonite (poor old fart that I am! lol). And I've been chugging away on my bass a bit too... it's slowly getting better and getting the strength back in my hand and consistent coordination again. Playing guitar is like riding a bike (I think I've said this before...?) You don't forget, but your level of competence and technique may vary. That's why I've gotta practise again and again - I use to play bass like ALL the time a few years' ago, but after basically not touching it, it's like just going thru doing scales and other basic stamina stuff all over again, to get 'it' back again - and it IS coming back - and quickly. I enjoy it, tho... that's the main thing. I can always hear 'in my head' the rest of the band and how it all fits together. At least being able to 'play by ear' (not literally!) means I can chug along to most CD's that I have... just trying to remember what key a songs' in is the problem! hahahaa. (Some things don't change... a bass-player's in-joke - D'oh!)

    I burned my first CD's yesterday - and they even work! I'm such a novice! Now I can get some of those great pics of the boys printed and enlarged - at last! I mean... it's so much easier using just one CD than a whole pile of floppy disks to do that! hahahaa. Random thought - never get a black keyboard (like this new one)... they show up EVERY speck of dust within a hundred miles! lol.

    Having a mid-afternoon nap this arvo, I had one of those very bizarre Disney/Fantasia/Bambi type technicolour meaningless adventure dreams.. the funny thing is I remember having the same dream - but about 30 years’ ago! Very strange! I'm sure it doesn't 'mean' anything, but it's interesting remembering the same dream after all those years have passed! Hmmm... strange untapped thing, the human mind, you know... but, maybe it was those bush mushrooms I had for lunch...? No no no... pmsl!

    Random thought... it's amazing to realise that it's been just over three months since my mum passed away! Wow - time flies.

    Mal  (Mallard d'Quackers)   :o)
    Email: mal [@] maljam [.] cjb [.] net
    Message Board:
    "Excuse me, which way is the stage?" (Audience member, lost at Altamont, 1969)

    Friday, July 08, 2005

    (*) Really rusty

    I just tried Blogger's new photo upload - and, as you can see Ms Paige - it works! No more stuffing about with html code to post a pic! Whoo hoo!

    This pic was taken earlier this week, just a few minutes before-and-after one of the offshore stacks known as the "12 Apsotles" off Victoria's southern coastline - collapsed into a puff of sandstone! That's erosion for you!

    This is going to be one of those posts with lots of little notes... oh well... tuff! lol I had a lovely visit from an old friend who was passing thru town the other day, 'Sedate' from Sydney. We've known each other for about 3-and-a-half years, after chatting in a MSN chatroom all thos eyears' ago This is the second time we've met - and it's been great.

    In the shopping centre downtown today, I bumped into one of the kids I used to teach in Kids' Club about 5+ years' ago. She was always a good kid - easy to remember, with a nice smile. A kid no longer, she was with her partner pushing her baby around in a pram! She was such a great kid, and in some ways she doesn't seem to have changed so much... a case of babies having babies! It was a bit of a shock! I must be getting old!

    I finally remembered to get myself started with a small sketchboard and sketch paper again, after a break of a few years. I'm going to try sketching again - but I'm really really rusty at it. I think I'm more of an impresisonist, if anything! I haven't drawn for about 5+ years nowdays! Sheesh... thought I'd try to keep my hand in a bit more.

    I dropped in a packet of smokes to 'Norm' this arvo... and also discovered his birthday is one day different to mine! I should be able to remember that! He's settled down well there, the sisters told me today - that's good to hear

    I received the second of my last four George Johnston books this morning... "Pacific Partner" was published in 1944, while he was a war correspondant. It's a first edition too, but only cost me $11! I'm not a die-hard book collector, but it'll be nice to have all of my favourite author's books at last - considering most of them have been out-of-print for like 50 years! lo1

    Hanging out with the boys tomorrow - going to the Motor Racing Museum at Mt Panorama, for a bit of rev-headedness! lol. The other week we all went together to watch 'Madagascar' at the movies... not a bad film - fully cartoon animated for a change - the boys seemed to love it, altho I thought I'd seen better... I think I'm still totally biased after experiencing "The Incredibles"! lol More rain... yay!

    The drought here is lessened, but we'll still need more and more follow-up rain, if we're to see thre back of this four-year drought.

    Here's a link you might need to check out... it's the Loopey Diconary of strange definitions... Broomhilda reminded me about the page I wrote together with a whole heap of people a few years' ago.
    Carcinoma--n., a valley in California, notable for its heavy smog.
    Lymph--v., to walk with a lisp.
    Gargoyle--n., an olive-flavored mouthwash.
    Bustard--n., a very rude Metrobus driver.
    Coffee--n., a person who is coughed upon.
    Flatulence--n., the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
    Balderdash--n., a rapidly receding hairline.
    Semantics--n., pranks conducted by young men studying for the priesthood, including such things as gluing the pages of the priest's prayer book together just before vespers.
    Marionettes--n., residents of Washington who have been jerked around by the mayor.

    (Thanx to Broomhilda: )
    Mal :o)

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    (*) Thursday on the fly

    Hiya Paige. Have my induction into cleaning at a large food processing plant this arvo - should only take about half an hour or so. Before that I'm going to pop in and visit 'Norm' before then... I dropped in on him yesterday, but he had only just started playing bingo, and I didn't want to interrupt him. It was a chnage for him - I think it was the first time he'd done something like that since he arrived.

    I enjoyed watching the NSW Blues demolish the QLD Maroons last night - whoo hoo! We win the series and retain the trophey! Raven in Brisbane and I are at a score 1-2 for that token bottle of burbon for the series winner over the past 3 years, you know! lol
    Check out my new blog 'toys' - all free and no obligations! Add your pin to my "Guestmap" (at right) - where does everybody come from?!, and "Cast Your Vote" at my polls (at right). Have some fun!
    Mal :o)

    Tuesday, July 05, 2005

    (*) Thoon's Birthday!!!

    It's amazing - Thoon IV turns ONE today! Happy Birthday Thoon fishie!!! It's all happening - a new tank - and even a new little blue bucket which his toy fishie sits on... have a happy day, Mr Fishie! (Yes yes, I know... it's pathetic, isn't it...?!? hahahaa!)

    5 days - 4 job interviews. So far, I'll be 'on the books' to do a bit of casual contract cleaning once a month (to start with) at a large food producer, and 'm waiting to hear back from another at a woodworking place.

    Plus I've started studying for my Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment - it should take about 3 or 4 months part-time. Looking good - it's covering the same ground as what I did with the Uni stuff, but this is the basic qualification requirement a workplace trainer needs to be employed - so, what the heck, I'll do this to keep me on track.

    My first George Johnston book arrived today! "Australia at War" was first published in 1942, when he was a war correspondant - and I've got myself a first edition to boot! Whoo hoo! Three to go... tomorrow, Thursday and Friday - fingers' crossed...

    They're at it again! Ack!

    Sunday, July 03, 2005
    Here's this week's fill in the blanks.....

    1. I have the hardest time [breathing thru my nose].
    2. As soon as I can afford it, I'm buying a [hat with sleeves].
    3. I should probably eat more [brussel sprouts].
    4. When [birthdays] come around, it always brings back wonderful memories.
    5. I remember my favorite childhood toy; it was a [Chitty Chitty Bang Bang].
    6. If I had to describe my computer desk in one word, it would have to be [tidy - today!].
    7. I could only wish the person running this meme would ask more questions about Hydra, Greece (lol) ].
    8. If I had to come up with one question to add to a future 'Monday Madness' it would be... [What is the last thing you do at night?].

    Week 126
    I say ... and you think ... ?
    1. Statistics:: Over 46.963% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
    2. Grin:: if you've been naughty
    3. Saturn:: satan on his day off
    4. Fulfilled:: destiny
    5. Life plan:: Insurance
    6. Cult:: of Insanity
    7. Lily:: Pictures of Lily
    8. Stalemate:: playing chess with my dad
    9. Celebration:: having 30 minutes to set-up an empty hall for a church service every Subday morning.
    10. Underwear:: 14 new cotton pairs just this week!

    Mal :o)

    Saturday, July 02, 2005

    (*) Just passing thru

    Just passing thru... having a nice computer that actually works is like waking from a dream - to realise it wasn't a dream! I've managed to download a free html editor (to make webpages in a second) at Nvu: - it's so much better and easier and takes up less space than Netscape Compser (what I was using before). In other words - a highly productive afternoon's downloading! I've even been able to copy my Beatles mp3's onto this machine, so i donlt have to keep loading up noisy CD just to listen to the 3 CD's I don't have of theirs yet! Whoo hoo. It's still all a bit of an adventure for me... silly boy that I am. Listening to Magical Mystery Tour LP at the mo... 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Cranberry sauce'... ;)

    A late extra... check out today's silly pics.

    Sunday, June 26, 2005
    This week I thought we'd play 'fill in the blanks.'

    1. If I could just figure out how to [stop scratching], I'd be real happy.
    2. I would be happy to hand over cleaning the [buffalo springfield] to someone else.
    3. One thing I try to do every day is [think of my sons and feel proud].
    4. Someone once told me that I was very [silly - they were probably right!].
    5. Probably the one word/phrase I tend to overuse is [bizarre].
    6. I need to work on [my self esteem].
    7. When I'm cleaning house I like to listen to [the local radio banter].

    Week 125
    I say ... and you think ... ?
    1. Useless:: Federal political system.
    2. Radiant:: washing powder
    3. W:: Michael 'W' Smith
    4. Unpaid:: 'Norm' - but loving it.
    5. Geek:: Spending an hour searching for a good html editor!
    6. Unfaithful:: Churchianity
    7. Reboot:: the joys of downloading and installing new software on a new system.
    8. No!:: means no!
    9. Squad:: Squid Squad
    10. Fetish:: Lint (???)
    Mal :o)

    Friday, July 01, 2005

    (*) Got to love

    (Wed 29th June)

    Hiya Paige. Just a few quick notes on the fly. I'm not such a blog-slave as I was a few months' ago... I still enjoy using this thing, but it's not the highest priority, but it's still there for me when I get a chance to write - and read!

    After being without a kite for about (?) years, I splashed out and bought myself a nice dual-controlled kite. Now, if only it'd stop raining long enough for the wind to blow... ahhahaa. No way - I'm not complaining about this nice showery rain, like two weeks' of it! Into our 5th year of drought, any water falling from the sky is always welcome.

    I've been able to finally order the last four George Johnston books I need to complete my collection of his entire published works! OK OK... so, some of his books (like these four) have been out of print for like 50 years, but he's still my favourite author. Ahh, you've got to love !

    The Right. Rev. Sir Thoon 'Perry' Fishie seems to be loving his brand new 18/20 litre tank - all that room to play about in.

    After last having one in 1986-ish, I bought myself a tiny practise amp for my bass guitar, for only $45. It's just so I can sit here in my bedroom and quietly chug along to CD's and practise - without having to drag out my whole 'rig' - that would be a HUGE pain in the @r$e otherwise!

    I also have been able to get my great little watch fixed - it's nice to have the time on my wrist 24/7 again. You don't realise how much you miss it until... you know.

    Did I already say...? Anyway, I've applied (and been accepted) to complete my Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment... that's the basic legal competency I need to be a workplace trainer, anyway. It should only take about 6 weeks' to do, but I've got 6 months to do it over, part-time via distance. I'm happy with doing that. Back to a bit of light study - nothing as debilitating as some of the rubbish they try to get you to do thru a Uni degree! hahahaa.

    I know, I know... "Money Can't Buy Me Love" - and it doesn't. Altho I'm sitting on about a 7-out-of-10 at the moment - that's a nice improvement from the other week. It's nice to be debt-free as well - ahh, the joys of a free University education, eh...?!?

    Postscript... the reason why this is being posted 2 days after I wrote it is - I have a brand-new computer! I've just been transferring docs and files across from one to the other... this one is literally brand-new, really fast - and actually has some hard-disk space - unlike my old one. Sure, the other PC only cost me $60 (I think, about 2 1/2 years ago), and it's done the job I've needed it to do. But it's just too slow and small for what I'll be needing in the future. That's cool.

    PS. The study material for the Certificate IV stuff arrived yesterday... already I've been reading thru it and beginning to organise and plan things in my head... it's a worry, eh?

    Mal (Mallard d'Quackers) :o)
    Email: mal [@] maljam [.] cjb [.] net
    Message Board:
    "Excuse me, which way is the stage?" (Audience member, lost at Altamont, 1969)

    Blog of Mallard the Malster - some of my Thoughts, Ideas, Comments, Observations, Editorials, Musings, Rantings, Ravings and Current Objective Critical Relative Subjectivism of Maljam the Loopey Mallard 

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